Intrastat is the system for collecting information and producing statistics on the trade in goods between countries of the European Union (EU). It began operation on 1 January 1993, when it replaced customs declarations as the source of trade statistics within the EU.


Feature allows you to transfer VAT Id of the partner (customer or vendor) to the Intrastat. The following rules of transferring VAT Id when transferring customer and 

Returns may be made electronically. They can be returned by data device, other quasi-electronic means for through ROS. There is a penalty of €4,000 for failure to comply with VIES returns requirements. The VIES System VIES enables traders to confirm the VAT registration numbers of their customers in other European Union (EU) Member States. This allows traders to check the validity of VAT numbers quoted to them.

Intrastat vat number check

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The VIES statement sets out VAT numbers of customers and the total supplies of goods and services made to each customer. Returns may be made electronically. They can be returned by data device, other quasi-electronic means for through ROS. There is a penalty of €4,000 for failure to comply with VIES returns requirements. The VIES System (i) Traders own VAT registration number. (ii) The VAT registration number, including the relevant national alpha codes of each of the customers in other Member States to whom they have made a zero- rated intra-Community supply of goods/services e.g. export sales, during the period (See paragraph 5.8 for VAT number formats). Se hela listan på The identification of companies by an intra-community VAT number is important for a good functioning of the VAT and foreign trade statistics system imposed by the EU, since it allows companies to file Intrastat / DEB declarations and to declare and / or pay VAT to the Member States.

What will be the Intrastat declaration requirements in 2022?

Intrastat reporting is a monthly obligation for businesses who move goods cross-borders within the EU (subject to value thresholds). This allows governments and the EU to track trade between countries for statistical purposes. But more and more, it is being used as a check on potential VAT fraud.

In Conclusion - always check the shipping documents on all onward sales you are involved with, noting final destination on the bill of lading and the tonnage. You will need to know your buyer’s VAT details (for EC Sales List) and the final shipper’s company The VAT Vendor Search is subject to the general Terms and Conditions of SARS e-Filing.

Intrastat vat number check

Use IP followed by your VAT number as the reference (for example, IP 123 4567 89). If this method poses any difficulty, email:

Albeit the same VAT number with a different prefix (XI) at  VIES VAT number validation. You can verify the validity of a VAT number issued by any Member State by selecting that Member State User satisfaction survey Intrastat is the system for collecting information and producing  Kommissionens förordning (EU) nr 1093/2013 – om ändring av förordning (EG) landad fisk som levereras till SCB av Havs- och Vat- tenmyndigheten Genom s.k. ”Record check studier” kan mätfelet i Intrastat upp- skattas. Ändra VAT-id till 6666662-2 (INT01) ock försäkra sig om att statistikperioden är rätt.

Intrastat vat number check

The search result that is displayed within the VIES tool can be in one of two ways; EU VAT information exists (valid) or it doesn't exist (invalid). Valid response.
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you only have 2020-03-04 Intrastat reporting is a monthly obligation for businesses who move goods cross-borders within the EU (subject to value thresholds).

VAT incurred for taxable activity is recoverable subject to EU and local legislation and is offset against output tax. Filing an EC Sales List: If a business makes sales to businesses VAT registered elsewhere in the EU, filing of an EC sales list will be necessary.
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Subject Intrastat VAT VAT return EU sales without VAT without any change in the ownership of the goods. (type of transaction 41), when goods are subject to processing. If goods dispatched for processing are not returned to the country of dispatch (i.e.

4 Mar 2021 How can I know if my European customer has a valid VAT number? as well as issue accurate tax reports (EU Sales Tax Report, Intrastat…).